Media Indoctrination

Instead of entering into conversations or discussion in order to try to persuade people to adopt or accept certain values that they themselves subscribe to, a strategy that is often used by some Liberals is to try to accomplish those objectives by utilizing some form of media and showing people (either real or fictional), typically (morally) "good" people, who hold those values and display them in some manner that conveys approval and/or acceptance to the media watchers/readers.

This strategy is most often deployed in a stealth manner, and often aimed at children, adolescents, and teenagers. It is often done via the medias of books (eg. school curriculum or some books put into school libraries), comic books (eg. various new LGBTQ and "coming out" old Marvel characters), television live action shows and cartoons (eg. some Disney Channel and Disney subscription productions), and movies (many).

(Simple) Example
In acknowledgment of Black History Month 2023, Public Broadcasting System (PBS) did a short one minute program about famous Black Americans. They aired one episode during children’s programming, between a show teaching about the alphabet, and Clifford the Big Red Dog. The host talked about the life of Toni Morrison. After talking about her life, near the end of the program the host added '"...And she describes her sexual identity as '[did not hear clearly]', that is, queer, not gay."

In the case of children in particular, employers of this strategy are essentially trying to push the values that they are promoting upon people who have little or no facility to resist or reject them. This tactic being a logical outgrowth of moral relativism's ideas that everyone can have their own equally valid values and truth; and since if that is the case then it often just comes down to who has the most resources or power to make their values win out (Related: It Becomes About Power page).

As one well known Liberal explained it, this strategy is a way to get society to gradually adopt liberal values by getting to the society's children, and having them adopt or at least become accepting of them. (At this point it seems worth noting that another major way of "getting to the society's children" is by them being allowed to have access the practically unregulated and unrestricted Internet, via computer or mobile phone.)

A continuing and seemingly accelerating trend is for sexual themes and values promoted by Liberals to be injected into into PG-13 rated movies, such as Disney' s Marvel superhero movies (eg. in the second "Dr. Strange" movie, the young lead character had two mothers). In the Marvel 2022 Thor movie "Love and Thunder", it includes various themes related to sexuality, and a number of perspectives, that reflect values that are promoted by Liberals, and particularly from a Christian perspective are in opposition to scriptural teachings and so are objectionable:

1 - Valkyrie, a female main character, is stated to have had a female lover (who had died).
2 - One lead character, an asexual alien, with a decidedly male voice (?!?), stated that he/it had "two Dads".
3 - In the epilogue, the same alien is said to to have found "another dude" to together form a couple with
4 - The same asexual alien makes a comment expressing approval when all of Thor's clothes are accidentally ripped off; a possible nod to bisexuality.
5 - Participating, and the threat of not participating in an orgie is the focus of multiple parts of the dialog.
6 - Thor and his love interest Jane Foster are shown as living together and (though not explicitly) having premarital sexual relations.
7 - In the movie's introduction Thor is said to have had love relations with a wolf-woman, and the related love scene was shown in moonlit silhouette. One hesitates to think that the movie's creators were promoting human-animal sexual relations, thus giving them the benefit of the doubt, they can instead be seen as promoting the idea that sex of any desired kind and occasion is fine
8 - The curse word "Sh**" is repeatedly used by the heroes in the movie. One may also reasonably be concerned about what further curse words the Marvel movie creators might decide to start using in future Thor and other Marvel movies.
9 - Possibly in disregard, or possibly making a statement regarding Christian values, one of the main human characters dies, but then wakes up again, not in heaven but where the Norse Gods go when they die

Comment: It seems ironic and somewhat disappointing that Disney, a company and brand that from about the 1930's up to around year 2000 that parents would not think twice about having their children participate or be a consumer of any of their products, from cartoons to theme parks, more recently through its original Disney brand and its recently bought Marvel brand, now seems like one of the leading participants in the media indoctrination of children. Yet, it should not come as a complete surprise, since Disney is not a Christian company; instead it is a company that at some point has acquired a company management that probably themselves hold to moral relativism, and as well seems to have incorporated things that reflect and that stem from that worldview into its business model. Such a change in values is a good example of how moral values are relatively volatile and prone to change at any given time for adopters of moral relativism. It also shows the seriousness and extent of its spread throughout American culture and society.

An equally, if not more disturbing trend, is the movie industry promoting unnecessary and excessive violence, now against young people. For example, in the 2022 move "The Black Phone" there are a number of scenes where young people are brutally beaten, including the opening scene where one adolescent boy continues to beat on the face of another adolescent boy who has already been rendered unconscious and is laying on the ground. After the boy finally finishes the beating, he makes the statement to one of his friends, "The more blood, the better in these situations."

The Biblical Perspective

Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report: if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think about these things. -- Philippians 4:8

"The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is evil, your whole body will be full of darkness..." -- Matthew 6:22-23

Based on scripture, the best response for Christians would seem to be to not partake of media products, and related products (eg. school backpacks), of entities (eg. companies, organizations) that employ this strategy, and if relevant to not allow their children to partake as well. Also, to share the knowledge with other people, encouraging them to likewise take similar actions. Additionally, one's disapproval of such products can be conveyed to the entity or entities who created them.

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